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shenandoah national park中文是什么意思

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  • 仙纳度国家公园
  • 谢南多厄国家公园
  • 雪兰多国家公园


  • Shenandoah national park was almost deserted on this winter ' s day , with frigid temperatures prompting the white house to restrict the president ' s visit to a rustic lodge along a scenic road
  • Shenandoah national park was almost deserted on this winter ' s day , with frigid temperatures prompting the white house to restrict the president ' s visit to a rustic lodge along the scenic road
  • Shenandoah national park was almost deserted on this winter ' s day , with frigid temperatures prompting the white house to restrict the president ' s visit to a rustic lodge along a scenic road
    到了冬天, s国家公园几乎人迹罕至,寒冷的气候促使白宫规定总统的行程仅限于风景沿路的乡村旅馆。
  • Shenandoah national park was almost deserted on this winter ' s day . with frigid temperatures promoting the white house to restrict the president visit to a rustic lodge along a scenic road
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